Top 5 Fantastic Wishes Mumbai Students Make Before Joining Summer Internships



Everyone loves making lists – be it shopping lists or to-do lists or new year resolutions list, birthday wish lists etc. etc. At this time of the year, students studying in Mumbai Colleges often make a wishlist for their dream internship.

Here we present the Top 5 Fantastic Wishes Which YOU Mostly Make Before Joining Summer Internships:


Wish # 1 – The internship program should be meaningful, structured and a valuable experience to learn and acquire the specific skills required to function effectively in my interested industry and also meets my major career objectives.


Wish # 2 – The internship program should have appealing perks and benefits that can boost our morale like half-day off on Friday, weekend holidays, free breakfasts/lunches/coffee drinks, a standard stipend and most importantly a CERTIFICATE which I can show to my college authorities.

team red

Wish # 3 – The internship program should make me feel as if I am the integral member of the team and give me exposure to attend meetings, observe the employees, supervisors’ behavior and interactions.


Wish # 4 – The internship program should have a Supervisor/Mentor who will actively help me in my learning process, offer suggestions and guidance, required detailed directions and also expect me to self-learn through experience and even mistakes.


Wish # 5 – During the internship program, I wish to get regular feedback to help me understand where to make improvements and what impact has my work on firm’s performance.

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