Top 5 Happy Republic Day 2014 SMS, Quotes, Messages, Sayings In Bengali To Share With Your Friends



odi mon kade ami asbo borsha hoye, Jodi mon hase ami asbo roddur hoye, Jodi mon ore ami asbo pakhi hoye, Jodi mon khojhe ami asbo BONDHU hoye. Good morning – Happy Republic Day. 


Khusbhu er moto tomar modhe miliye jabo; Sukun hoye tomar hridoy vore debo; Anubhab kore khusite thakbe; Jokhon amay mone korbe; Dur thake chole asbo. Happy Republic Day 2014.


Bondhu holo sobar priyo, bondhu anek dami, bondhu mane khusir aamej ektu paglami, bondhu mane ekla dupur bristi rimjim. Bondhu mane Tumi/Ami, Bondhu everything. Republic Divas MubaraK Ho.


Ki bhabe bholbo tomake ami, jhakon tumi sudui royecho amar bhabana jure, ki bhabe chaibona tomake ami, jhakon tumi sudui royecho amar sapno jure, ki bhabe bhalobasbona tomake ami, jhakon tumi sudui royecho amar anntor jure, ki bhabe jete di tomake ami, jhakon tumi sudui royecho amar dehho jure!! Happy Republic Day 2014.


শুভ প্রজাতন্ত্র দিবস
śubha prajātantra dibasa
“happy republic day” in Bengali


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