Top 5 Problems Of The News Media



In the world which is fast growing people apart from social media are always dependant on news media to get thier daily updates on life happenings. But in the competitive news world where there are several news channel competing against each other we need to ask ourselves can we rely on this information. It is a remarkable how oftenwe take care of small things only to underatand we were being fed on lies. Here our top five news media problems.



When you thing of any news show or channel the try to sell the news through sensational factor of i such as Snake gave 5 eggs. People aren’t dumb enough in cities to fall for that but with a country like India facing huge amounts of illetracy such idiotic news titling might cause panic or certain distress in the region due to its misinterpreting nature.


2)Mistakes uncorrected.

Most news channels commit blunders in prompters and headlines below the screen. They have been often made fool of in meme culture. But this is a serious point of misinterpretation where a few words may cost alot in the progress of the news channel.


3)Altered news

In the name of secrecy of national security governments enter and re-alter news in alot of cases. So we really dont know and understand the real ground level happenings or even as a matter of fact the intensity of any problems untill it affects us at an individual level.


4lMisuse of power.

A news reporter is generally ought to misuse his powers. A personal gain through his/her powers is one of the most common sites. Blackmailing over paparazzi images is also a trend. This reduces the trust and professionality of news reporters.


5)Subliminal messages

The power of unconcious can be wrongly tapped in the name of advertising. If bombarded with such messages we may fall prey to doing stuff which we sont want to do. This gives advertisers tremendous power to play with our brains with alot of people watching news we are the easy targets

– Aditya Chavan

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