Top 5 reasons how the BMS course changes a student’s personality!


Just like any academic course that changes and shapes up a student’s personality, BMS too has had a major impact on every student’s personality and thought process. Except for developing the obvious skill-set of training BMS students to become appropriate managers, BMS trains them for a few other things too, some wacky, some silly yet completely beneficial. Here we present to you a list of the top 5 BMS traits, you may find them silly, wacky or very helpful but these traits surely exist in every BMSite.


 1. Masters at Last Minute Studies:

Well that’s what all BMS are experts at, but managing time in a way that you study when you need to and the quantum doesn’t affect you is what BMS teaches you. Managing time efficiently (at least during exam days) and doing smart work instead of hard work are the key learnings.

 2. Presentation Experts:

You give a BMS student a topic and ask him/her for a presentation on it, they will have it ready in an hour’s time. Preparing PPT’s is what we become experts at after 3 years of rigorous training, may we know the topic or not we surely churn out some great presentations and know how to present them flawlessly.

3. Research Kings:

After doing work on the ‘Black Book’ Project in Sem 5, every student becomes efficiently skilled at doing research work. Either we learn to do genuine research or efficiently manage to get the best project in the most economic way; we develop our skill set very effectively either ways.

 4. Personality Peaks:

A BMS graduate surely has a difference in the way their personality shapes up after the 3 years in this course. The way they dress, the way they maintain themselves, your posture and your communication skills all are impacted very positively.

5. Industry Experts:

After studying around 93 different subjects across 3 years, a BMS graduate definitely becomes a jack of many trades, the best part being your specialization subjects enabling you to become the master at the subject of your choice.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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