Top 5 Reasons to choose Masters in Social Entrepreneurship


1) With companies getting involved in CSR activities and big business houses implementing projects in social sector, there is a huge requirement to take up leadership positions.

2) Social work exposure is not mandatory but you need to be very clear of how serious, sincere and passionate you are to pursue the path of Social Entrepreneurship.

3) Social Entrepreneurship is a means to make social work practice sustainable and effective and enables you to face challenging situations with strategic thinking.

4) You would be exposed to Contemporary issues in social work, laws related to social organizations, CSR, Social audit, Venture Building, Social Research and Developing Business Plans.

5) Career Opportunities

NGO Founders, Executives, Managers, Social Work Professionals, CSR Professionals.


Social sector requires a lot of commitment, determination and enterprising attitude as it does not give heavy returns and takes a long time to stabilize.


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