Top 5 Reasons to choose Masters in Supply Chain Management


1) In the era of globalization, with shrinking of profit margins and intense competition, many industries are fighting for survival.

2) By devising different strategies which rely on efficient supply chain management, they are striving hard to maintain their superiority.

3)There is no standard career path in supply chain management. You are in control of your own destiny and have the opportunity to pursue hundreds of potential career paths.

4) Students get exposed to Material Management, Logistics and Distribution Management, Productions/Operations Management, Legal Aspects of Supply Chain Management related to supply chain management practices etc.

5) Career Opportunities-

i) Purchasing Manager,

ii) Strategic Planner,

iii) Purchasing Analyst/Assistant,

iv) Materials Analyst,

v) Materials Manager,

vi) Procurement Manager,

vii) Supply Chain Manager,

viii) Commodity Manager,

ix) Inventory Manager,

x) Strategic Sourcing Manager etc.

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