Top 5 reasons why you should take up campus placements!



Campus placements surely is a huge help, here we list out the top 5 reasons why you should take up campus placements.  

1. Do not need to hunt in the job market.

Being unemployed is a pain and once you are done with your graduation its worse. Going around the cruel corporate world is a problem and you can be saved of all the hard time in job searching if you have a line of companies waiting to recruit you right outside your class.

2. Even if you get a KT you are get a job.

Campus placement interviews don’t consider your KT’s as a very important aspect in comparison to the walk-ins where your mark sheets would be seen first.

3. You are sure you are not going to be duped because it’s a company chosen by your college.

Many fresher’s end up working at the wrong sort of places because of being unknown to the industry, campus placements saves you from those troubles.

4. Even if you don’t get the job you get experience of facing an interview panel.

You may get rejected out here, or may decide not to take up the job after all but the experience of facing an interview panel is worth all the effort.

5. You can get into the field of your choice instead of taking up the first job you get after struggling a lot.

After knocking on many doors candidates eventually end up taking whatever job they get, with campus placements you have a greater chance of getting into the field of your choice without having to put up with whatever you get.

 Want to know the common mistakes candidates make at interviews? Have a look:

 Want to know more about Campus Placement? Read the interview of Darsh Parekh from Lords Universal College as he shares his experiences with

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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