Top 5 Unique New Year Wishes For Your Teacher




When we offer prayers and wishes to our parents, how can we leave behind teachers in paying our respect and showing gratefulness towards them at the start of the a beautiful Year?

Here we present 5 unique new year wishes for teachers:


I wish you the very best for you, your families and your students for 2014 – my warmest wishes for it to be a super-teaching, super-learning, great year!



The inspiring stories that you narrated to me, the pains you took to teach me valuable lessons and the corrections you made at my attempts will always remain etched in my memories for not just 2014 but many, many years to come and will motivate me to achieve great things in life.



I lacked confidence and the courage to walk on the road to success till the day you came along and turned me into a more confident and a brave person to help me realize my dreams and fulfill my aspirations. I hope to get more confidence from you in the years ahead. Happy New Year 2014!



I always look for you when I feel lost and now even when we enter another beautiful year I know I would need you at every step to be my strength and to show me the right direction.



You have been like the candle that brings light by burning itself. Hope you will continue to spread the fire of knowledge and wisdom through your teachings in 2014.

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