Top 7 Ways To Successfully Approach A Girl



Guys, have you ever been through a situation where you like a girl secretly and just keep admiring her and do not have slightest clue how to approach her? Imagining yourself with her makes your heart beat faster. But the thought of going up to her makes you feel numb and you begin to sweat and eventually freeze up. Guess what- it’s not that difficult than it seems.

Here are some ways to approach a girl when you like her.

  1. Know her well

You just can’t go up to a girl knowing nothing about her.  You cannot judge her on the way she looks; she may be quite different from within. So try and know about her may be from her friends but don’t follow her that might offend her and you do not want that to happen.

  1. Work on your appearance

I’m not saying girls go on looks or you need to be handsome to approach a girl. I simply mean that you cannot go to her looking all shabby and undressed or smelly. You need to at least look descent enough to confront her. Check for clothes that looks best on you, have a good shower. You need not overdress yourself simplicity would work out best for you.

  1. Be honest

Be honest to yourself and approach her only if you really like her, do not go to her with the intention of flirting with her, she may not like it. Put forth you genuine feeling in the simplest way that you can.

  1. Be confident and talk to her

After knowing about her and working on your appearance all you got to do is build up all your strength and confidence and talk to her. You may find it hard to approach the girl you like, but you could begin with simple a conversation. Make a good eye contact with her and speak confidently, if you do not make eye contact she will feel either you’re shy kind of a guy or you’re not interested in her.

  1. Think before you speak

You need to think before you speak so that you won’t end up offending her in anyway. Try to put up your words more effective manner so that she may not misinterpret it.

  1. Act fast yet smooth

Often guys expect things way too fast which leads them to be rejected. You just cannot behave desperate to be with her and on jump on directly to flirt with her and take her contact details on the very first conversation or ask silly questions like are you dating or single? She will have a bad impression about you. Also you cannot act all innocent and shy; she will only term you to be her “good friend”. When you feel she likes you to put forth your proposal.  You need to act fast yet be smooth. 

  1. Do not fear rejection

Often guys fear rejection, either they feel they are not good looking and smart and the girl won’t like him or they are too shy so they do not approach the girl. That’s where they go wrong; you must approach the girl without the fear of being rejected.  Keep in mind if she likes you she will accept you if not she will let you go, do not take it to your heart or sit on male egos. She has all the right to chose what is best for her.


Every girl likes to be someone’s crush or love, she wants to be treated like a princess at least for some time in her life, so you can give her what she wants and make her feel special, but whatever you do, do it out of your true feelings for her.  Do not end up taking drastic step if she rejects you; do not think that she is the only one in the whole world, if she doesn’t accept you someone else will.

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Daisy Pais


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