Top 8 ‘Gambhir’ Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter


gautam gambhir

  1. Gambhir in place of Dhawan Binny in place of Virat Ravichandran in place Rohit
  2. There should be Couple of changes for India in next Match. Gambhir should come in for Dhawan. Ashwin and One More fast bowler as well.
  3. Dhawan and Rohit have to make way for Gambhir and Ashwin. We need runs AND wickets, not “potential” and “talent”.
  4. Is there any problem between Dhoni and gambhir???? In india there is politics in game and game in politics :p
  5. We are not blaming anyone, entire team should take the responsibility for it; time to give a chance to Gautam Gambhir
  6. What do u think which player changes for 4th Test? S Dhawan = Gautam Gambhir Aswin =Jadeja Aaron/Ishwar Pandey = Pankaj
  7.  On the batting front, I think it’s time for Gambhir to replace Dhawan. India needs some experience up there
  8. The day Dhoni is thrown out with his politics and favouritism, Test side will improve under Gambhir
 By Ravi Agnihotri

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