Top 8 IAPM Investment Alternatives Questions You Need To Solve


Illustration 1

            A Mutual Fund Scheme has assets of  180 million and liabilities of 12 million. The number of outstanding units is 10 million. Calculate the net assets value of the scheme.

Illustration 2

The NAV of a fund was  46.90 at the beginning of the period and  58.30 at the end of the period; what is the percentage change in NAV during the period?

Illustration 3

            An investor bought units of a mutual fund scheme at a price of  12.45 per unit. The face value of the unit is  10. He redeems the investment a year later at  24.80 per unit. During the year, he also receives dividend at 5%. Compute the rate of return on his investment in the mutual fund.

Illustration 4

An Investor buys 75 units of a fund at  9.5 on 1st January, 2010. On 30th June, 2010, he receives dividend at the rate of 10%. The ex-dividend NAV was  10.25. On 31st December, 2010 the fund’s NAV was  15.25. Calculate the return on Investment.

Illustration 5

(a)   What is load? What are their types?

(b)   Calculate the repurchase price of a mutual fund unit with a NAV of 35.6. The exit load is 1.4%.

Illustration 6

            If the applicable NAV is  22 and the exit or repurchase load is 2%, then find out the repurchase price.

Illustration 7

You are a PMS (Portfolio Management Services) Consultant. A middle aged investor approaches you to seek your advice on deploying his surplus funds of  20 lacs in various shares, schemes, bonds and Govt. Securities. Present to him any five investment schemes mentioning various merits and demerits of each scheme. You may assume that he is willing to take risk to the extent of 30% of his funds.  (MU, BMS,Apr. 2011)

Illustration 8

You are a Chief Executive of a Multinational Investment and Portfolio Management Consultancy firm, and you are in-charge of Marketing and Clients Support Dept. A prospective Investor with net Surplus of  10 lacs, visits your office for seeking your advice and engaging your services for investing the surplus.

You are required to suggest to the Client various Investment avenues/investment plans assuming that:

(a)    The Client is a senior citizen, retired from a Private Sector Employment.

(b)   The Client is a middle aged House Wife, also working on part time basis for NGO.

Please suggest your plans separately for both of these types of investor.

(MU, BMS, Oct. 2011)

For Solution/ Answer Please refer IAPM Textbook By Author Pawan Jhabak, Himalaya Publication.


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