Top 8 Most-Viewed News Stories Of Manchester City v/s Chelsea


Chelsea F.C. boss Jose Mourinho proved why he is one of the most revered coaches in the world as he masterminded a 1-0 win that ended Manchester City F.C.’s 100 per cent home Premier League record this season. takes you to Chelsea’s amazing story-ride:


  1. Manchester City 0 Chelsea 1: match report
  2. Chelsea masseuse gave team-talk before Manchester City victory claims Jose Mourinho
  3. Premier League – Mourinho: We’re like a little horse learning how to jump
  4. We Are Not The Favourites: Mourinho | Manchester City V Chelsea Highlights
  5. Chelsea’s win against Manchester City a triumph for Jose Mourinho’s strategy over Manuel Pellegrini’s idealism
  6. Mourinho abandons the bus to put relentless Chelsea into title driving seat
  7. Admit it Mourinho, you think Chelsea will win the league
  8. Manchester City v Chelsea: how the players rated

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