Top Movies For MBA And Business Students.



Here is a list of best and the must see movies(films) for MBA Students or management students. Each one of these movies should teach you something. Finance, Ethics, Marketing, Team Management, whistle Blowing, Communication Skills all is to be learnt from some brilliant movies.

1: Up in the Air

Its the story of Ryan Bingham, played by George Clooney, whose job is to fire people from their jobs.He travels through air most of the year doing his job and lives out of the suitcase. The movie is crisp and also shows how he transforms when his own company grounds him.

For an MBA Student, the movie offers a lot into HR issues, personal issues, communication skills, management and lot more. Its a nice and a must watch.


2: Pursuit of Happyness


One of the most inspiring movies ever made. Its a story of a struggling salesman and how he transforms his life through an internship. But whats the best about the movie is the attitude of the character and powerful performance by Will Smith.

For an MBA Student, its a journey of how to pursue your dream and get it with the constant determination, Its the true story of Chris Gardner. There are many instances where we can learn a lot like when Chris makes sales calls in an efficient manner to make up for his lost hours. And how he lends 5 $ to a client for Cab fare even when he can’t afford it.

Watch it if you haven’t till date.


3: 12 Angry Men

If you want to understand group dynamics or behaviour, this is the movie for you. The movie shows how 12 men, who are made to sit in a closed room to decide fate of an accused, discuss it out till the end. In the beginning 11 out of 12 agree to wrap of the case instantly and convict the accused but 1 man stands against the motion and makes everyone debate. How he does it and what comes out of it is the real learning out of this movie.


4: Rocket Singh-Salesman

Very few Indian movies are made sowell on such topics of business or management. The movie shows how a simple man doing internship in a computer company takes on the entire system of bad sales practices and establishes his own company on basis of ethics and honesty. He makes one mistake though.

Lot of learnings from this movie. The movie shows both sides of business very effectively. The bad side of Puri’s business style and the good side of Harpreet’s business sense.

Great Watch !


5: Pirates of the Silicon Valley

IF you want to understand the story of how Apple and Microsoft were formed with a Zooming lens, this is the movie. One of the best movies on management and business. Based on true stories and incidents, this is a must watch for any MBA student or otherwise too.

The story starts with Bill Gates and Steve Jobs both in college and ends with both making the giant brands reality. It has some amazing scenes like in which Bill Gates, Paul Allen and Steve Ballmer sit in a meeting with IBM and sell them the operating system which they didn’t even have. The other scene in which Steve Jobs goes to Xerox to understand the new UI based operating system.

Brilliant !




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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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