Top 10 Inspirational, Funny Cricket Quotes by Popular Cricketers, Stars, Legends…


cricket quotes

Cricket is a gentlemen game. The world of cricket has seen great Legends who not only played cricket but cherished it, enjoyed it, made it the most important part of the life. In a country like India Cricket is a religion, sports are just not for entertainment, they are for peace, brotherhood and inspiration.

Here are top cricket quotes by popular figures in the sport:

“Like the British constitution, Cricket was not made, It was Grown” – Sir Neville Cardus

“Many continentals think life is a game, the English think Cricket is a game” – George Mikes

“Golf is to Fiji what Cricket is to America” – Vijay Singh

“To me it doesn’t matter how good you are. Sport is about playing and competing. Whatever you do in Cricket, enjoy it be positive and try to win it” – Sir Ian Botham

“Cricket is a batsman’s game” – Richie Benaud

“Drinking the best tea in the world in an empty cricket ground, I think, is the final pleasure left to man” – Charles Percy

“Cricket can be a bridge and a glue, Cricket for peace is my mission” – Mohammed Zia Ul-Haq

Two great quotes by the God of the Game Sachin Tendulkar

“I hate losing and cricket being my first love, once I enter the ground it is different zone altogether and that hunger for winning is always there” – Sachin Tendulkar

“Before you lay a foundation on the cricket field, there should be a solid foundation in your heart and you start building on that. After that as you start playing more and more, you learn the game” – Sachin Tendulkar

This is the best of the lot… what a great quote by former Australian cricketer Harold Larwood

“Cricket was my reason for living” – Harold Larwood

– Jainam Jhaveri

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BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engg and a Sports Blogger... passionate about Blogging, Football, Video Games, Surfing Internet and Love to Travel and visit new places.


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