Toppers of JEE Mains 2014 Results



JEE Main 2014 Results were announced on Saturday. Hardik Verma, Class XII student of Government Senior Secondary School emerged as the Tricity topper in IIT-JEE Mains Results. 

Hardik Verma secured 345 marks out of 360 marks. The All India Rankings will be announced on 7th July 2014 after the declaration of Class XII board results. 

The second topper from the city is Gurkirat Singh Bajwa, who scored 336 marks, closely followed by Aryan Garg with 335 total. While, Bajwa is a Class XII student of Stepping Stones Senior Secondary School, Sector 37, Garg is from Guru Gobind Singh Senior Secondary School, Sector 35.

 JEE Main examinations formerly known as the All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE), is conducted for candidates aspiring for admissions to BE, B Tech and architecture courses at National Institutes of Technology (NITs), Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IITs) and other centrally funded technical institutes. The paper-based exam of IIT-JEE (mains) was held on April 6, while the computer based exam was held on April 9, 11, 12 and 19.


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