1.     Brings changes in the mindset of the organizational members.
2.     Provides vision and sense of mission – followers understand the values of their output. Arouses their self-esteem and self- actualisation needs and excites and inspires them to perform far beyond their own dream.
3.     He transforms them in such a manner that for them organizational goals become more important than their own personal goals.
4.     He expresses his high expectation from the followers. He inspires by providing a complete picture of his vision in a simple manner.
5.     He encourages to become creative and innovative in problem – solving. He also promotes intelligence and rationality. He emphasizes to take a new approach to the existing problems, break the status quo.
6.     Mentor for the followers. He treats each follower separately because he knows each individual is unique, perception, attitude, belief assumption differs. He pays attention to each followers’ needs, desires & dreams. He broadens the horizon of interest of the followers.