Treadmill, Washing Machine? No, It’s Both!


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Innovation has no limit and no boundaries.A whacky new invention here is known as “The Wheel” – A treadmill that washes clothes when you are burning your calories. This is something extra ordinary or must say “out of the box”. It turns you into a human guinea pig and harnesses the kinetic energy created when running to power an integrated washing machine.

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Seoul-based industrial designer Si Hyeong Ryu is the brains behind The Wheel and he states that the main selling point here is the combination of health with purpose. Apart from promoting the importance of exercise in your daily routine, The Wheel features and eco-friendly design which helps conserve power. As its name suggests, the contraction is basically shaped as a wheel and it has a very futuristic appearance.

Inside the tube, you’ll find the treadmill with a rubber layer which converts the kinetic energy into electricity. Fitted within the body is the washtub and the eco washing ball which not only speeds up the washing process, but also uses less water. Both components spin as you run and if there’s unused power, it can be stored for use at a later time when there’s no one around to run or you prefer doing the laundry with leisure. On the outside, there’s an interface which provides data such as running speed, and a flexible display is positioned at the front of the runner. Lastly, a solar panel covers the top and sides.

The Wheel is a conceptual design which was originally published on Yano Design. It has now been entered into the 2014 Electrolux Design Lab, a competition where ‘innovative ideas for future households’ are presented.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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