Treasure Your Precious Valuables With Nokia Treasure Tag


If you are really forgetful and don’t remember where on earth you have kept your keys, wallet or any other valuable without which you just can’t leave your house. If this is your case then, Nokia treasure tag is just made for you.  Attach the Nokia Treasure Tag to your belongings. Each item that you’ve tagged is shown on a map so you can find things quickly with your phone. Once you’ve attached a Nokia Treasure Tag to an object, you’ll receive a notification on your phone when you are about to leave it behind. The Nokia Treasure Tag is an affordable way to keep track of the things you care about. Spend less money to get the peace of mind that comes with knowing where your important possessions are.  A Nokia Treasure Tag is less expensive than your precious valuables it will cost you only Rs.2100 .


Using it is very simple. For pairing either use NFC to connect, or search for the Tag within the Bluetooth* settings of your phone. The first time you pair the Treasure Tag to your phone you’ll be prompted to download the app. If you leave the house without one or the other, the two will emit a loud tone to alert you of this fact. If you come across a situation where you lost your belonging, don’t worry you will hear the tone from either the phone or the Nokia Treasure Tag, if you are within range to hear the tone of the other device. If you did miss the alert for some reason, don’t worry.


You can have up to four different Tags simultaneously connected to your Nokia Lumia. Each Tag you have connected to your Lumia can be placed onto your Start screen as a Live Tile. It has a battery life of up to six months; the battery is replaceable on the reverse of the Tag. It comes in four different colors: cyan, yellow, white and black. Nokia Treasure Tag works with Lumia phones that have the Lumia Black update. There will also be third-party applications for Treasure Tag to support Android and iOS devices..






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