Trend Alert: The Crop Top!



It is now time to break the mould and let your inner diva loose this summer.Summer trend is a refined  statement that some will embrace as a look not to be feared. This season’s novelty factor brought forward the chic crop top as a part of a series of utterly feminine ensembles.

Crop tops are not about exposing your whole tummy. That’s how it was worn in 2009.For 2014,it’s about interpreting the crop top into elegant,new looks that often show little more then a peep of a toned midriff.

Incorporated in strong deux-pieces, the short-sleeved crop top adorned with smart zippers and improved asymmetrical lining, exposing just a hint of a perfectly toned midriff. You can also wear it with a skater skirt which is perfect for a retro, summery feel.

 For a chilled out vibe,go harem!Pair the crop top with a smart harem pants.For a completely chilled look, you can  wear  the crop top with a pair of flared chequered shorts and flip flops. You can also pair it with denims or an elegant,long skirt or even a knee-length skirt.There are umpteen ways to wear it.

You should just keep experimenting!And remember,it is the ethereal whites to have quickly regained their supremacy as a color of choice for the warm season!

It is time to celebrate the versatility of a piece that swarmed the high street and has rocketed in popularity this summer.Crop to the top and embrace your girly side!

– Misbaah Mansuri.

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