Trend: Decorating / Dressing Up with Summer Whites



It is the ethereal whites which have gained supremacy as the color of the season.

Here are reasons why white is just the perfect color of the season.

They say, “Summer fabrics look best in white & so do summer styles like chikan.”

White stands undisputed as the original summer colour. Other colors do look cool but when it comes to elegance in dressing up,white is your right choice! The neutral hues look cool in the summer sun and many of the traditional summer fabrics look best when worn in a summery shade like white or nude.

Designs like chikankari that form the very essence of Indian summer stand out only in white.
White particularly is the colour for Indian summer as warm skin tones go well with it.

A summer tan or a naturally dark skin looks best against a nude hue. The problem with colours remains that no one colour works for every skin tone.

A bright blue or green may not do the same trick on honey toned Indian complexion. Another advantage of wearing white in summer is that it looks best in silhouettes that are loose, billowing and flowy.

Summer dressing is all about flounces and not really about skin clinging styles.

White is always in fashion. A white ensemble in summer gives us a picture of elegance and sophistication. With white you also get the liberty to clash.


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Riya Lokhande


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