Trends in Corporate Governance


Trends in Corporate Governance:

  • Boards are getting more involved not only in reviewing & evaluating company strategic but also in shaping.
  • Institutional investors such as pension’s funds, mutual funds, & insurance companies are becoming active on boards, and are putting increase pressure on top management to improve corporate performances.
  • None affiliated outside directors are increasing their numbers and power in publicly held corporation’s as CEO’s loosen their grips on boards.  Outside members are taking charge of annual CEO evaluation.
  • Boards are getting smaller, partially because of the reduction in the number of insiders but also because boards desire new directors to have specialized knowledge & expertise instead of general experience.
  • Boards continue to take more control of board functions by either splitting the combined chair/CEO position into two separate positions or establishing a lead outside director position.
  • As corporations become more global, they are increasingly looking for international experience in their board members.


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