Trendy Saturday Dressing For The Workplace

saturday dressing
Saturday marks the end of the week and the beginning of a great weekend. The week-long pain of dressing up in formals is a great task. And a bigger one is to survive in them. Saturday at work means smart casuals. Here are a few tips to make your Saturday fun and grab some eyeballs..
1. Summer dress
Summer dresses are not restricted to Summer alone. Wear it with a tailored jacket and you are good to go. Drop the jacket in the evening, add some bling and you are party ready in seconds.
2. Palazzo
Palazzos are in trend and so sheek and stylish. Opt for one in pastel shades and a printed top. Don’t go overboard with the prints. We don’t want unnecessary attention coming our way. It not only gives you an elevation but makes you look cool yet stylish. Running around in formals for the entire week, nothing else can give you more comfort.
3. Denims
Denims are a great and you can pair them with almost anything. Bring out those colourful t-shirts and pair it with a well-fitted jacket. It will not only make you at ease but make you look stylish without being sluggish. A great pair of heels and you are good to go girl.
4. Casual shirts
Casual shirts, if worn in the right way, can do wonders. It looks comfortable yet cute if paired with minimal accessories and the right footwear.
5. Skirts
Saturday is just right to take out all the girly skirts out of your closet. Though a little dressy, but they never go out of vogue. It is difficult to go wrong with them.
 – Kashmeera Tambe

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