Trinity Sunday 2014 SMS, Wishes, Messages, Greetings In English


Trinity Sunday is celebrated on 15 June 2014, Sunday. It is the first Sunday after Pentecost. It celebrates the Christian doctrine of Trinity i.e. 3 persons of God – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and they cannot be divided.
Here we present Trinity Sunday 2014 SMS, Wishes, Messages, Greetings In English:


  1. The light of the sun, the light of the moon, and the light of the air, in nature and substance are one and the same light, and yet they are there distinct lights: the light of the sun being of itself, and from none; the light of the moon from the sun; and the light of the air from them both. So the Divine Nature is one, and the persona three; subsisting, after a diverse manner, in one and the same Nature. – R. Newton. 
  2. He who goes about to speak of the mystery of the Trinity, and does it by words, and names of man’s invention, talking of essence and existence, hypostases and personalities, priority in co-equality, and unity in pluralities, may amuse himself and build a tabernacle in his head, and talk something—he knows not what; but the renewed man, that feels the power of the Father, to whom the Son is become wisdom, sanctification, and redemption, in whose heart the love of the Spirit of God is shed abroad—this man, tho he understand nothing of what is unintelligible, yet he alone truly understands the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. – Jeremy Taylor. 
  3. The two principal names which are applied to Deity in the Old Testament are Jehovah and God (in Hebrew, Elohim). The former is God’s proper name, and clearly applies to the divine essence. This name is always singular, and may be rendered, “He who exists.” The other name, Aleim or Elohim, in plural. And the question occurs, Why is the name Jehovah, which refers to His essence, always singular? Plainly, to express the unity of the divine essence. Why is the other, Elohim, plural? As clearly to denote a plurality of persons in the Godhead. – Field.

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