True Love


  True love in the morning sun

Hi friends, I know what you would be thinking  after reading this topic…most of you must be like OH ‘again a new love story’ or OH NO ‘what this youngsters are always talking about the same bullshit’ Buttt…let me tell u thing becomes as u look at it. If you think positive the things will be positive. We all know the common love story of all the love birds-“meeting each other in some or the other way; falling in luv; then either break-up or happy ending.”All the love stories are basically like dis only .Ya Ya Ya It may have some difference with regard to their proceedings  butt same.Sooo u would be thinking what new I am going to tell u.Atually I wanna tell u the big hidden story behind all luv stories.

          Usually the time when we fall in luv is not fixed, itzzzzz……when we start growing up.When our mind changes from childish brain to a grown up brain. At this time we are physically becoming stronger but emotionally weaker. When we grow up our parents are much worried about us and  and  and…..they are also not ready to accept that we are matured enough,but they still treat us like small child . Due to which we are uncomfortable . Our thinking, behaving, acting,and enteracting everything charges like anything.

We are emotionally very very imbalanced for which we need support. On the other hand as we are growing up our attraction towards opposite gender also increases. Obviously due to some chemical lochas. This all happens to us, which we are unable to handle . Now how to handle this????? This must be the common question arising in your mind………As, from childhood we are addicted to SUPPORT , usually from our elders . But at this situation you can’t take support from our parents and you all know why?????So what to do now….? Simple….in this situation we choose a person who can support us; who can listen to our problems; who can make us feel happy ; who can make us laugh,when we are crying ;give us their shoulder to cry; who cares for us; in short ‘we feel like spending our time with that person.’

So who is that person………?Any guesses…? Hmmmmm….our so called LOVE . Butttt…the situation which we are facing same is faced by that person too. Which is the root cause for all the problems. At first, everything goes the same way as we want , but as days passes things starts changing from bad to worse and then from worse and then from worse to worst. That point is the time which we call as ‘Break Up.’ Next…..someones heart breaks, other tries to sucide for that stupid reason without even thinking that,was it True love or like a selfish guy you was just using that person for emotional support……?

We sacrifice our PRECIOUS LIFE for such a stupid reasons without thinking about those people who started loving us even before we came in this world(our parents)….So friends , I am not telling you that don’t fall in love.Butttt…before every step think twice that it should not be for mere selfishness of any one of us………..





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