Truth Behind Inder Kumar’s Alleged Rape Case



Bollywood actor Inder Kumar was arrested on charges of rape and assault. His wife Pallavi defended saying he was “innocent and wrongly accused”.

Here is the Truth Behind Inder Kumar’s Alleged Rape Case:

The victim met Inder Kumar at Gold’s Gym and introduced herself as an upcoming actress whose film will go on floors from May 2014. As she won’t be able to afford the membership of Gold’s Gym, she told Inder to train her but Inder refused and told he will get back after discussing with his wife, Pallavi.

His wife allowed Inder to train the girl at their place. After few days, the girl started throwing tantrums that she won’t be able to stick to the gym regime, diet chart etc. After a couple of days,  the girl started messaging and sending pictures at mid-night saying she loves him and can’t live without him. Inder immediately called her up making her understand he is a family man and blocked her numbers on Whatsapp.

After few days, Inder and his wife had an argument and left home for about 3-4 days. Later Pallavi realized that Inder was actually staying at the girl’s home.

Inder returned home alongwith the girl on 22nd April happily and now the girl claims that she was raped on 23rd and 24th April 2014.

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