“Try to participate in groups and put your points strongly” says Hari Om Bhatt, BMS Graduate (2013 batch)




Tell us about yourself

Hello I am Hari Om Bhatt (Omi), I belong from a business family.

I am good in giving speech and even in leadership. My favourite book is “Wings of fire”.

I like Sufi and romantic music very much. My latest favorite movie is “Gangs of Wasseypur”.

I want to become a very rich man in life.


Describe your BMS College  and what is the 1 thing you would like to change in your college?

I am from Bhavana trust degree college, Chembur, It’s just opposite to Mumbai Eastern

Freeway as in terms of location.  Very good infrastructure with tasty and healthy

Canteen food.  Teachers are really very experienced and a great mentor and guides.

Crowd is normal. Still we have celebrated our 2 college fests Sparkzz and Freak.

And really if it is possible, I would like to change is lectures timing.


List your most memorable moments at BMS College

My most memorable moment was my Qawwali performance with my Qawwali group.

My all time favourite lecture was IMTP. My group always used to visit various colleges for

participating in various competitions.

Where have you worked in the past and what & where are you currently working or doing?

Previously I had worked with HP printers as a event co-ordinator and at present also I am doing the same event.


What advice/tips do you have for BMS undergraduates and graduates?

Don’t be more of theoretical, be a practical person.

Try to speak in groups and learn to put your points strongly. Be a good presenter.

And be a very good communicator. And always participate in various activities


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