TSUNAMI 2011 : Different Times, Same Tide…


3rd-12th September

About us

Started in the year 2000. The first & largest Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) festival in Mumbai. Showdown between 30+ colleges in a 10 day event timetable. For more details contact us at +91-9920390855 or [email protected]

Tsunami 2010, A Success

The onset of September 2010 had left a wave of anticipation and excitement across the colleges of Maharashtra. The reason being Lala Lajpat Rai College’s BMS festival “TSUNAMI” 2010 was about to start.

This unique festival like every year had a special theme, and this time it was Tsunami Private Limited. Being based on the affairs of a company where different colleges have to make their way to being the best and securing the 1st place.

This 11 day festival consisted of a range of tasks, events and games. A point system is made where colleges are given points on each event they win. The contingent leaders of the participating colleges were made CEOs. The highlights being the treasure hunt at Essel World, an extraordinary unforgettable experience. Another event was the parliament house, where colleges had to go against each other in a similar way as in the parliament.

Academic or pen-paper events took place where contestants had to use their knowledge and think intellectually, quizzes included.  Team participation and knockout rounds are a lot of fun over here.

The sports day held at Priyadarshani Park with events such as kabbadi, basketball, Frisbee throw etc. The entire day was spent there, with everyone tired at the end but yet in a good mood due to the enjoyment and competition.

The carnival day was based our title sponsor ‘Casino Royale’. Card games were held such as poker, blackjack etc. also small fun tasks were made for the teams to enjoy. Teams could play the game again and again for participation points.

The final day which is the cultural day, consists of the fashion show, dance and drama which is one of the most awaited day of the fest. And promisingly enough the best day.

Overall with an assorted array of tasks and out of the box events Tsunami is one of the most renowned and

acclaimed college festivals.

Tsunami 2010 was excellent from Marketing to Public Relations to Media coverage. We had media coverage for all the 10 days. We had a participation of 800-1000 people every day of the festival. Casino Royale was the main sponsor of the festival along with 16 other companies. We had famous and reputed film actors like Kunal Kapoor,Vrijesh Virju and many more coming in everyday of the festival. Over all the tsunami 2010 was a hit due to a hard working and a dedicated committee.

We are thankful to our sponsors, our seniors and our BMS coordinator and our festival head.

Can’t wait for Tsunami 2011.

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