Tsunami 2012 – Fest By The Bay



Over the past decade Lala Lajpatrai College of Commerce and Economics has been hosting their annual inter BMS college festival, Tsunami-Fest By The Bay. The festival is a 10 day extravaganza of challenging management events with a twist of cultural fun, diversity and exposure. The festival attracts top management colleges across the state with a foot fall of thousands of management students. Every year they create a theme based festival that challenges their participants and helps push boundaries in creativity and innovation. This year features the theme Tsunami City. As well explained by the students of Lala Lajpat Rai College this year’s theme is everything and anything a student can visualize or create for their own city. Build, create and conquer. This year the students strive to create a management festival that shatters records and raises the bar even higher.

The following is their schedule for the festival.


  • 31st August: City’s Carnival
  • 1st September: YP1 + YP2 + Flight Control
  • 2nd September: Toll Booth + Football Manager
  • 3rd September: Treasure Hunt
  • 4th  September: In Time
  • 5th  September: The Transporter + Café Tsunami
  • 6th  September: Youth Parliament (Finals)
  • 7th  September: Tsunami Olympiad
  • 8th  September: Holiday
  • 9th  September: Cultural Day

* YP – Youth Parliament

This festival has certain unique events that set it apart from the rest which include the following days. Their Carnival Day is full of fun and games the 1st glimpse of the mega city is revealed. Limited and unlimited participation events will keep you on your feet throughout. The red-ribbon ceremony will be the first to follow a range of unexplored and unseen events as you enjoy the carnival atmosphere

The festival has a mega management event known as the Youth Parliament. Three words to describe this event are: Drama! Issues! Chaos!  Raise your voice, discuss, Fight for your point and let your voice be heard! Have issues with the government? Get your voice heard be a part of our movement, be a part of their Youth Parliament.

The college also prides itself in having an exclusive treasure hunt that is held at Essel World.


Over all Tsunami- Fest By The Bay is a business management students dream festival. Have a look at their Facebook page, (www.facebook.com/TsunamiFestByTheBay) for more information and to have a look at what is the latest that is happening.


For any enquiries, please contact –

Nomaan Nathani
Marketing head Tsunami 2012
[email protected]

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