Tsunami-Fest By The Bay


A Lala Lajpat Rai, BMS initiative. The foremost inter-BMS college festival in Mumbai. Organised and executed by an elected committee within the college.

Tsunami- For A Cause

This year as dedicated students working for the festival, the Tsunami 2012 committee has done everything in its capability to raise the bar for the festival. With the flow of recent events we believe in working towards a social cause and bringing about awareness among the masses.

In an effort to execute this task, Tsunami- Fest By The Bay had officially tied up with Shiamak Davar’s Victory Arts Foundation in an effort to give back to the community. Through Victory Arts Foundation (VAF), which is a not-for-profit organisation, Shiamak Davar and Tsunami 2012 are committed to bring joy to the less privileged, specially challenged, visually impaired, terminally ill children and young adults, and all those affected with HIV/AIDS.

By incorporating our own creativity and style, Tsunami 2012 prepared an exclusive treasure hunt for the VAF kids. They were paired up with teams from different colleges (H.R, Jai Hind, KC etc.) to compete against each other and win the treasure hunt. The treasure hunt involved cracking clues and performing tasks at each pit stop that would ultimately lead them to their final clue.

Our event was also graced by the presence of Bollywood actress Kainaz Motivala, who has trained with Shiamak Davar for almost 6 years. She interacted with the kids and enjoyed fun activities with them. Regarding the event, Kainaz said, “My association with VAF goes back many years and I’m happy that Tsunami tied up with VAF and put up such a wonderful event. It is very important to give back to society and I’m glad the students and faculty of Lala Lajpat Rai College have taken up such a wonderful initiative.” Chief course coordinator of Lala Lajpat Rai College, Professor Arun Poojari said, “I am happy to see VAF doing a remarkable job and also thrilled to see that our BMS students have taken this initiative through our festival, Tsunami.”

The idea is to make them a part of something bigger than the issues of daily life, to be a part of Tsunami- Fest By The Bay.

This event had no sponsors because we, as students wished to carry forth the event with every resource that our college had to offer which will included refreshments and travel for all the children.



Duration: The event was held on the 26th of August, 2012.



Contact Information:

Sahil Jhaveri- +91 9920595999

Social media: www.facebook.com/TsunamiFestByTheBay

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