Twin bomb blast killing 2 and injuring 12 rocked Chennai


The twin explosions took place in two sleeper coaches 10 minutes after the Guwahati – Bangalore Express haulted.

One of the blasts took place below the seat of a 24-year-old woman who was traveling from Bangalore in Karnataka to Vijaywada in Andhra Pradesh and she was killed immediately.

Nobody has been suspected or arrested said the officials.

The NIA (National Investigation Agency) which deals with the terrorist attacks, has sent representatives to collect and examine evidence.

The train had left Guwahati on Tuesday and was heading towards Bangalore. It was running about two hours late. The train has now left Chennai station after receiving the requisite security clearance.

The Tamil Nadu police suspects that Chennai was not the target because the train was running late .

Two passengers have been badly hurt and 12 others have minor injuries.

Tamil Nadu’s most senior police officer K Ramanujam said, “It is not a major blast & It is premature to say what kind of device was used is the blast. Damage to the train is not heavy.”

Bomb disposal squads and sniffer dogs are patrolling the station.

The Bangalore helpline is 080 22876288; the Chennai helpline is 044 25357398.

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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