TYBMS 2017 SEM 6 Results to be declared by Mid August


Update: TYBMS 2017 SEM 6 Results declared on 21st August 2017.

Our BMS Team has been receiving a lot of calls and messages enquiring if the TYBMS Sem 6 Results 2017 are going to be declared anytime soon. All we can say is –

TYBMS SEM 6 Results
BMS Result Kab Aaega?

Historically, the TYBMS SEM 6 results have been declared between 18th June and 30th July.

In 2010, the TYBMS SEM 6 results came out on 28th July, 

2011, It was to be declared on 15th July

2012, TYBMS SEM 6 results were announced on 19th June

2013, the results were announced on 20th June

2014, the results came in on 18th July

2015, saw the results coming in on 17th July

2016, TYBMS 2016 SEM 6 Results declared on 22 July 

This year, our beloved MU seemed to think it would be fun to set another record of delaying results not just for BMS but for all courses. So they set out on a journey of  unplanned, mismanaged exploration of digitising the whole paper evaluation / paper correction process. And they completely surprised themselves with epic goof-ups.

Sources near us tell us that TYBMS students can expect their SEM 6 results by mid August 2017.

Keep your fingers crossed and keep checking BMS.co.in for more updates.


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