TYBMS Environmental Management & Economics Sem 5 Syllabus: Environmental Impact Assessment


The teaching hours and assessment pattern of Environment Impact Assessment subject is as follows:

  1. No. of sessions of 90 minutes – 30
  2. No. of sessions of 90 minutes per week – 2
  3. Continuous assessment – 40 I A
  4. Semester end examination for the subject – 60 I A
  5. Total marks – 100
  6. Duration of theory paper – 3 hours
  7. No. of credits – 2

The topics covered in Unit 1 are as follows:

  1. EIA – Introduction,
  2. Concept of EIA,
  3. Scope and object of EIA,
  4. Organization responsible for EIA,
  5. Site selection and area classification,
  6. Sitting and setting criteria for EIA projects.

The topics covered in Unit 2 are as follows:

  1. Description of the environmental setting,
  2. Inclusion of exclusion of environmental items,
  3. Some suggested approaches for developing a list of environmental factors,
  4. Informational sources for environmental factors.

The topics covered in Unit 3 are as follows:

  1. Various steps of EIA,
  2. Content of EIA,
  3. Assessment methodology,
  4. Ad-hoc,
  5. Overlay,
  6. Network,
  7. Matrix and checklist,
  8. Cost benefit analysis,
  9. Case studies,
  10. Hydroelectric projects,
  11. Mining,
  12. Power plant roads and airports.

The topics covered in Unit 4 are as follows:

  1. Environmental Impact Assessment Notification – 1994,
  2. Procedure for Environmental Clearance,
  3. List of the projects requiring environmental clearance,
  4. Composition of expert committee for impact assessment,
  5. Public hearing committee,
  6. Procedure for public hearing,
  7. Project clearance.

The topics covered in Unit 5 are as follows:

  1. Detailed content of EIS,
  2. Use of visual display methods,
  3. Statement documentation,
  4. General writing suggestion.



The list of reference books of Environmental Impact Assessment is as follows:

  1. Environmental Impact Analysis Hand Book – Rau J.G. and Wooten, D.C. 1980
  2. Environmental Impact Assessment – Canter, L.W. 1977
  3. Environmental Impact Assessment – Principles an Applications, Erickson P.A. 1977
  4. Environmental Impact Assessment – Munn, R.E. 1982


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