TYBMS Environmental Management & Economics Sem 5 Syllabus: Project Management


Project Management Teaching Hours and Assessment Pattern:

  1. No. of sessions of 90 minutes – 30
  2. No. of sessions of 90 minutes per week – 2
  3. Continuous Assessment – 40 I A
  4. Semester end examination – 60 I A
  5. Total marks – 100
  6. Duration of theory paper – 3 hours
  7. No. of credits – 2

The textbook to be referred for Project Management subject is given below:

Jack R. Meredith and Samuel J. Mantel Jr., “Project Management, A Managerial Approach”.

The detailed syllabus of Project Management is given below:

Module 1:

  1. Project definition,
  2. Project life cycle,
  3. Project objectives,
  4. Purpose of project management,
  5. Project management maturity,
  6. Project selection and choice,
  7. Types of project,
  8. Selection models,
  9. Analysis under uncertainty and rise,
  10. Project portfolio process.

Module 2:

  1. Functional manager vs Project Manager,
  2. Project responsibilities,
  3. Demands on the Project Manager,
  4. Project Manager Selection,
  5. Culture and the project impact of Institutional environments,
  6. Need for multicultural communications.

Module 3:

  1. Project organization,
  2. Pure project organization,
  3. Matrix,
  4. Mixed organizational systems,
  5. Choosing a firm,
  6. Risk management,
  7. Project management office,
  8. The project team,
  9. Human factors and the project team,
  10. Sources of conflict.

Module 4:

  1. Project planning and coordination,
  2. Systems integration,
  3. Action plan,
  4. Work breakdown structure,
  5. Partnering,
  6. Chartering,
  7. Categories of conflict,
  8. Principles of negotiation,
  9. Top down and bottom up budgeting,
  10. Activity vs program budgeting.

Module 5:

  1. Network techniques PERT and CPM,
  2. Precedence programming,
  3. Resource loading,
  4. Leveling,
  5. Goldratts’ Critical Chain,
  6. Monitoring system design,
  7. Reporting process,
  8. Project Management Information Systems (PMIS).

Module 6:

  1. Project Control,
  2. Purposes, types,
  3. 3 types of control processes,
  4. Post control,
  5. Critical ratio and control charts,
  6. Balance in control system,
  7. Project auditing,
  8. Purpose of evaluation,
  9. Use of audit report,
  10. Product audit life cycle,
  11. Measurement varieties of project termination.

project management

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