TYBMS Environmental Management & Economics Sem 5 Syllabus: Strategic Management


Introduction to Strategic Management

  1. Definition and concepts
  2. Company / Business / Management levels
  3. Nature, importance and benefits of strategic management
  4. Strategic management models and guidelines for effective strategic management
  5. Overview of strategic management process.


Strategic Formulation:

  1. Setting objectives- vision, mission, goals
  2. Analysing internal and external environment – SWOT
  3. Strategy making
  4. Entrepreneurial model
  5. Adaptive model
  6. Planning model
  7. Types of strategies – Analysing and choosing the right strategy


Strategy Implementation:

Implementation of strategy to functional areas: Production, Operations, Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management, Others – R & D, Innovation, Quality enhancement etc.


Strategy Evaluation:

  1. Review
  2. Feedback
  3. Control
  4. General Characteristics of an effective evaluation system.
  5. Contingency planning and auditing.



The list of reference books of Strategic Management is as follows:

  1. Strategic Management- Concepts and Cases – Fred R. David
  2. Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy – Thomas L.Wheeen, J. David Hunger, Krish Rangarajan
  3. Strategic Management – Andrews
  4. Strategic Management – Concepts and Cases – Guillick
  5. Strategic Management – Philip Sadler
  6. Strategic Management: Theory and Practice – Parnell John A
  7. Game Theory: A Non-technical Introduction to the Analysis of Strategy – McCain Roger A.
  8. Leading Strategic Change: Breaking through the Brain Barrier – Black J Stewart, Gregersen Hall B
  9. Strategy Specific Decision Making: A Guide for Executive Competitive Strategy – Forgang William G.
  10. Business Policy and Strategic Management: Concepts and Application – Gupta, Vipin, Gollakota, Kamala Srinivasan R.
  11. Global Strategic Management – Mellahi Kamel Frynas, Jedrzej G., Finlay Paul
  12. 6 Proven Strategies for building High Performance organizations Winning Management – Rinkie Wofl J.
  13. Strategic Management – Namakumari, Ramaswamy



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