TYBMS Exam: 5 Quick Stress Management Tips by Prof. Vaishali Singh


5 Quick Stress Management tips for TYBMS students:

1) Breathe easy –

Deep breathing counters the effect of stress by slowing heart rate and lowering blood pressure.

2) Talk to others –

Preferably face to face or atleast on phone, it’s a good social support system.

3 Talk 5 minutes and focus on one behavior with awareness, feel how air feels on your face, enjoy each bite of food as you chew, it allows you to concentrate on other aspects.

4) Exercise-

It provides distraction and outlet for frustration, like quick run up several flights of stairs can be useful relief.

5) Have a good laugh –

Laughing in the face of stress can help you feel better in matter of minutes.

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Vaishali Singh
Prof. Vaishali Singh is the Coordinator of Dnyanasadhana College, Thane. She has completed Bsc, B.Ed., MBA (marketing) and teaches subjects like Human Resource management, Retail management etc.


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