TYBMS Exam Preparation: 5 Quick Tips by Prof. Deepali Kamle


1) Time management will help to reduce last-minute stress.

2) Don’t start a new topic to study on the last minute, it might increase the stress level.

3) Always while studying, you should make an important pointer maybe of a paragraph answer or points for bird’s eyeview point.

4) Before starting the exam, close your eyes and relax, maybe meditate instead of panicking on friends’ discussion.

5) The foremost of all and very very important to manage stress level is BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

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Deepali Kamle

Prof. Deepali Kamle has completed her B.Com and MBA and currently works as BMS Coordinator of Tolani College. She teaches Entrepreneurship & SME for TYBMS, Research Methods for SYBMS, Strategic Management for BBI, Principles of Management II for TYBAF etc.


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