TYBMS Exam Preparation: 5 Quick Tips by Prof. Gauri K. Datir


At this outset, all the very best for your remaining exams. I know right now you all are really very stressed & under loads of tension. So here are some wonderful tips that surely will ease your tensions & lower down your BP…………….

  1. See students you always feel ,that I should have got some more time to study or the exams are too early but this happens because you are not 100% ready for the exams & I assure you that ,there ‘s  never gonna be a moment when you are 100% ready. So accept the fact, & start studying but now as this phase has already gone……start revising. You should be a smart reviser….While studying jot down the points in a way you can easily remember, use simple Language…no harm. Rather remembering complicated words is a tough job I know, so while studying you can open a dictionary & can find a simple word for that…it helps!
  2. Stay fit during the exams, avoid eating junk food rather don’t eat outside food. Atleast for some days have home cooked hygienic food because generally due to stress your digestive system becomes weak ,along with which if you consume outside food it worsens. Keep your body and brain well-fuelled by choosing nutritious foods that have been proven to aid concentration and memory .Eat lots of green veggies, fruits & dry fruits. During exams if you are stressed or feel panic eat dark chocolate or keep some éclairs with you because science confirms that eating dark chocolate helps relieve emotional stress and also lowers blood pressure.
  3. Don’t compare yourself with others, like for example if your friend at the last moment on the day of paper asks you: “have you read this”? Or “this is important; I know for sure this is going to come”? Don’t panic if you haven’t read….if time permits just give it a glance, if you can remember well & good otherwise under stress you tend to forget what you already know or remember. So have confidence in you & think positive.
  4. Keep yourself organized & do contingency Planning. I have seen many students who forget to bring their Hall tickets at the exam centre & the world comes crashing to them…..”What to do now? My suggestion would be first of all
  • Don’t remove your hall ticket from your bag.
  • Keep one bag for your exam, even if you are fashion freak, don’t change your bag every day
  • Keep one photocopy of your Hall ticket in your pencil Pouch or compass box if you use one.


5. Last but not the least “Believe in yourself you are almost there”. I know you pray hard during exams but rather if you make it a habit of doing it every day it works.




Prof Gauri K Datir

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Gauri K Datir

Prof. Gauri K. Datir is the BMS Coordinator, Professor, Vice Principal (BMS &Bsc-IT) of P.L. Shroff College. Edu.Qualif: B.Sc (Electronics), MBA (Marketing), ISTD, PGDHRM, pursuing MS (COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY), NET QUALIFIED Past Working Experience: Research Associate with ORGMARG -AC NEILSON Subjects: Marketing, Retail Mgmt, Logistics, HRM, Entrepreneurship, Research Methodology & all General Mgmt subjects


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