TYBMS Exam Questions will be mailed half hour before the exams to the exam centres?


The University of Mumbai (MU) has decided to go ahead with its ambitious plan to send question papers of TYBCom, TYBSc IT, BMS, BMM and MCA exams through email that are to be held in the month of March and April. The decision was taken on Thursday in a meeting wherein nearly 350 principals and administrators from different colleges affiliated to MU were present. A section of principals, however, opposed the decision to which the university said that a committee would visit each college to check preparedness of the colleges.
Speaking about the proceedings of the meeting, a principal requesting anonymity said that the vice-chancellor Dr Rajan Welukar was hell bent on showing that he was making maximum use of technology in the examination process. “The decision is wrong as most colleges do not have the infrastructure in place to take printouts of the question papers just 30 minutes before the start of the paper and distribute it to students at the scheduled time,” said the principal.
Dr T. Shiware principal of Hinduja College and chairman of the Association of Non-Government College principals was the foremost in pointing it out. “Colleges in the rural areas are not equipped to take printouts or even receive question papers over the Internet. Dr Shiware’s objection gained a lot of support from principals of colleges from Raigad, Sindhudurg, Thane and other rural areas in the jurisdiction of the university. Another objection was also raised regarding the appointment of a principal to the post of chief co-ordinator as it was a huge task and that she/he would not be able to handle it single-handedly.
“The University will appoint committees to visit each and every college and verify its preparedness for the new initiative. A decision will be taken after that,” said Dr M.Z. Farouqui, director IT and communication, MU.

Source: Asian Age

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