TYBMS exams 2011 which were scheduled to be set to the candidate on 18th Nov., 2011 has been shifted on the 25th Nov. 2011 due to C.A. & C.A.T. examinations

  • (Commerce – 10) SECOND HALF – 2011

Examination Section, M.J. Phule Bhavan, Vidyanagari, Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.


No. Exam./SC./                of 2011




A reference  is  invited  to  Programmes  mentioned  below  relating  to  the examinations to be  held in Second Half 2011 and the Principals of the affiliated colleges  in  Commerce  concerned  are  hereby  informed  that  the  paper  at  the following examinations                which               were    scheduled              to   be   set   to   the   candidate on 17th/18th  Nov., 2011 has been shifted on the revised date as shown against the subject of the each examination due to C.A. & C.A.T. examinations.

Prog. No. Exanimation


Revised Date
117& 118 B.M.S. (Sem. V) (Old & Rev.) Human ResourcesManagement  




25th Nov., 2011

119 B.Com. (Bank. & Ins.) (Sem. V) Marketing in Banking & Insurance
120 B.Com. (Acc. & Fin.) (Sem. V) (Old) Financial Accounting Paper IV (Corporate Accounting)
121 B.Com. (Acc. & Fin.) (Sem. V) (Rev.) Financial Accounting   Paper V
122 B.Com. (FinancialMarkets) (Sem. V) Global Capital Markets
113 M.Com. (Part I) Strategic Management



26th Nov., 2011

114 M.Com. (Part II) Research Methodology



28th Nov., 2011


The Venue and Time for all the above examinations will remain the same. They are requested to inform the candidates concerned accordingly.

Revised Exam Timetable can be checked in this link –

TYBMS Sem 5 Revised Exam 2011 Timetable



Mumbai – 400 098,                                                             (Prof. Vilas B. Shinde) Date :  19th October, 2011.                                                 Controller of Examinations.




The Principals of the affiliated colleges in Commerce concerned.

Reference  – http://mu.ac.in/exam825.pdf

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  1. Respected Sir,
    I am the student of TYBMS College and I belong to Mumbai University. I want to know the correct and perfect timetable of our TYBMS 5th SEM 2011-12 examination. So kindly provide me your help to know the perfect timetable which I need from you. Is the 5th SEM TYBMS Examination postponded from 18th NOV. to 25th NOV.? Are you sure and confirm about this statement? Is it True? You can mail me as it is provided to you. Waiting for your answer.

  2. Respected Sir,

    I am the student of TYBMS 5TH SEM AND I WANT TO KNOW THE PERFECT TIMETABLE as it is like that the xam of HRM which was to be held on 18 nov. is only shifted to 25th nov. but the xam is going to start on 19 nov.pls reply me on my mail as i am waiting for ur answer

  3. Only exam of Hrm has been postponded to 25th Nov.
    And no more changes has been made.
    Just pray that exams to be shifted on 25th Nov onwards.

  4. I the student belonging to TYBMS is likely to ask you about the revised timetable for our 5th sem exams, is it true that our exams are postponed from 18th to 25th of Nov. kindly provide me with the revised timetable. I hope you will do the needful help.

  5. im a studnt of tybms, lik 2 say mny thngsss.. la8 xams wer held, n due to wich paprs wer tough espcly ssm,ssf. its nt my own opinion on behalf of all d bms studnts… it ws mor den wat v xpcted… it ws nt of our levl… e1 mny instructns wer nt publishd, includanc of blak pen. hw 2 fil d form, no propr guidanc, supplimnts wer givn js 10 mins b4… gaaaasshhhhh…. dis sem mny studnts wil hav kt.. damn sur… mny papr wer leakd durin xaminatnsss… thanxx.. rexam shud nt b cnducted… v wnt our ri8s..

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