TYBMS Sem 5 ATKT Human Resource Management Exam 2014 Important Study Resources


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BMS.co.in brings you the required study material to easily clear HRM ATKT exams :

HRM Notes:

Just a click and download HRM notes!

Tips to crack HRM subject:

How to prepare and write for HRM exams?

Tips to crack HRM case study:

How to attempt a HRM case study?

Easiest way to study important concepts:

The 41 Important HRM concepts

University Question Papers:

Questions Papers from November 2001 to 2012

Solved Board Papers:

University solved board papers from 2001 to 2013


Important Questions:

Long questions:

  1. Steps in HRP
  2. Job Analysis
  3. Selection process
  4. Process of training
  5. Types and process of performance appraisal
  6. Career planning



  1. Define Human Resource Planning (HRP) and explain the process of HRP.
  2. Define Human Resource Management (HRM). What are the challenges faced by the HR manager in organizations?
  3. Explain the characteristics of today’s workforce. With reference to that, explain the objectives of HRM.
  4. What is the current status of HRM in India? What factors have contributed to a change in HRM?


  1. What is the difference between Training and Management Development? Explain its importance in organizations.
  2. Define the term ‘Job Evaluation’. Explain the process of Job Evaluation.
  3. Describe the Induction procedure and methods for selecting five marketing executives for a large Retail organization.



  1. Explain with suitable examples how ‘Career planning and development is a motivational tool for employees’.
  2. What the different career stages? How do organizations plan for the career of employees based on the career stages?
  3. Explain the importance and latest techniques of performance appraisal in brief.
  4. Define Compensation. What are the advantages and disadvantages of performance linked incentives.



  1. Define Participative Management (PM). What are the factors essential for successful PM? What are the recent trends in PM?
  2. Define Industrial Relations (IR). What is its importance? What are the approaches to Industrial Relations?
  3. Define Trade Union (TU). What are the features of TUs? Elaborate with examples on the Trade Union movement in India.

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