TYBMS Sem 5 CBSGS 75:25 April 2016 ATKT Exam Results Declared on 20 July 2016


TYBMS Sem 5 CBSGS 75:25 April 2016 ATKT Exam Results Declared on 20 July 2016


Mumbai University declared the Results for B.M.S. (Sem.-V) (CBGS) 75:25 held on APR 2016 on 20th July evening.

The results are updated on the university website: http://results.mu.ac.in/choose_noc.php?exam_id=3968&exam_year=2016&exam_month=APR

Students need to enter their seat number to obtain their ATKT results.

All the best and congratulations if you have cleared the ATKT exams.

If you have failed in your ATKT exams, do not lose hope as you can again appear for ATKT exams in October/November 2016.

If you have any queries related to TYBMS Sem 5 ATKT results, feel free to comment below.

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  1. mujhe sm or fm mai kt tha n… sm ka jab kt ka paperr tha use ek din pehle meko reval ka result pta chala k mai pass hu.. toh maine sm a paper nhi diya to kal jo atkt ka result ya usme unsucessful aaya hai.. to ky isaa ye eason ho sakta hai kiya ki sm ka paper nhi diya isliye aaya hoga

  2. Ha yaar mera bhi same yehi doubt hai please somebody reply faster…….it’s so serious issue and the university is playing with our career 110%

  3. On the Mumbai university site It’s showing Passed in the examination previously., but in the marks list its showing 19 marks fail… what should I do now.???
    Plz help me bms.co.in ,I am really very nervous.

  4. I want to give the ty bms sem 6 exam in the second half of 2016. Can anybody tell me when those exams will be conducted and when the form filling of the exam will be conducted in colleges? approx dates??

  5. I m a Tybms student, I had appeared for Sem 5 exam in November 2016,.
    If incase i get KT in any of the subject so when will be its ATKT exam ?
    Before Sem 6 exam or along with Sem 6 ATKT exam?

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