TYBMS Sem 5 Results 2010 – A Big Question Mark???????


When I get many calls and messages asking me whether the tybms results are declared or not or when it is going to be declared,

Let me tell you the TYBMS Sem 5 Results are not yet declared.

No one knows the exact date as such Mumbai University never declares the dates of results.

It can come anytime on anyday.

Many sources would say you that it would be declared on 15th or 18th or 27th etc etc.

Don’t believe  in these rumors.

TYBMS results are always declared after BMM, BBI and BAF RESULTS.

TYBMM and BBI results are out!

After TYBAF Sem 5 results are declared, TYBMS results would be declared.

Toh let’s wait and watch…. and don’t get tensed about the results and don’t believe in the rumors like there would be many KTs in FM and most of them have failed or the results are very bad!

Just Relax and hope for the best! 🙂

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