TYBMS Sem 5 Results 2012 (7th January 2013 Update)


Hi TYBMSites,


It was 11am when we called the Mumbai University asking for Sem 5 Results date. They gave us the Commerce section contact no. and asked to call for details.

Our conversation was:

“Hello! Mumbai University? Commerce Section?”

A lady who picked up the call answered:

Ho sanga! (Yes, tell me.)

We asked:

TYBMS Results kadhi yenaar mahiti aahe ka tumhala? (Do you know when are BMS Sem 5 Results?)

The lady answered:

Date kaahi fixed nahi. Kaahi sangu shakat naahi! (No dates are fixed and we cannot say anything)

Before we could further say anything, she disconnected the phone. We tried calling again and the number was busy.


Well, with suchaaaa careless attitude, what do you guys expect from this Lazy University who doesn’t even have the courtesy to update its 9,000 TYBMS students eagerly awaiting for their results?

When they can declare the TYBCOM results of 17,000 students in only 15 days,

BAF,BBI,BMM, BFM Results in 1 – 1.5 months, then why not BMS?!

As TYBMS 2010 and TYBMS 2011 Sem 5 Results were declared in February and March respectively,

should we expect the results this year in the month of April ;)?


As per the Professors estimation, the results should be tentatively declared within January 2013 only.

We will connect with few more professors who can provide us details about the paper checking etc.


Best Wishes,

BMS.co.in Team






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