TYBMS Sem 5 Results 2012 Bizarre!


Have you guys ever seen anyone to get full marks in BMS Theory Papers?

It actually happened in Annasaheb Vartak College when a TYBMSite scored 60/60 in all the theory papers…

Guess what would be the total % the student got.. well its 90%.

First time in the history of BMS has someone got 90% …..

The student has given the papers for rechecking as it is quite confusing whether one should be happy for scoring 90% or sad?


Have you seen any college having all students failed?

It actually happened in Seva Sadan College where all students are failed and not even a single student passed.

Students are still to get their proper marksheets.


Can any student score 1 Mark in a subject like Human Resource Management?

It actually happened in L.D. Sonavane College where a student who has scored 30+ in all 5 subjects but 1 mark in Human Resource Management.

Student has given the paper for Revaluation


Can you be present in all exams and still be considered absent?

It actually happened in a college where a student has appeared for exams and it is in the records of the college but the result shows that the student was absent for 1 paper.


Can you be a topper of your college for the last 4 semesters and flunk in Sem 5?

It actually happened in few BMS colleges where students who were consistent toppers in all the 4 semesters but failed or have got ATKTs in Sem 5 exams.



Have you seen any college which  has not yet received Marks-lists and Marksheets even after 2 weeks of online result declaration?

It actually happened in Jogalekar College in Ratnagiri who have not yet received any marks-lists or marksheets till 1st February 2013 when the TY Results got declared online on 19th January 2013. These college students has got lots of patience…must say!

The University clerk has informed that the results would be reach the college by 5th February 2013. (Btw which courier service are they using?)


Have you seen only 19 students appearing for TY exams from a college?

It actually happened in Jeevandeep College in Kalyan where only 19 students appeared for the TY exams and out of which only 4 students cleared the exams without any ATKTs.


Have you seen a KT student getting more marks than the topper of that college?

It actually happened in Jeevandeep College in Kalyan where the KT student’s Grand total is 410/600 and the topper’s Grand Total is 394/600. Well the KT student was a consistent topper from the past 4 semesters but got a KT in Sem 5 and that also in Business Ethics.


Have you seen a gal writing exams becomes a boy when the results are declared?

LOL. It actually happened when a girl whose name is ARPITA writes the exams becomes ARPIT in the Marksheets (Typing Error by MU).


Stay tuned for more such updates!




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