TYBMS Sem 5 Revised Examination Timetable 2012





Candidates for the above examination are requested to be in attendance at the place of examination, fifteen minutes before the time appointed for setting of the first paper and ten minutes before the time fixed for setting of each subsequent paper.


Seat numbers and places of examination will be announced on the college notice boards four days prior to the date of commencement of the examination.

Smoking is strictly prohibited in the examination hall.

The written examination will be conducted in the following order :-

Days and Dates Time Paper

Monday, October 29, 2012 10:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. Human Resources Management.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012 10:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. Service Sector Management.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012 10:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. Financial Management.

Thursday, November 01, 2012 10:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Friday, November 02, 2012 10:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m.

Elective I : Special Studies in Marketing

Elective I : Special Studies in Finance

Elective I : E-Commerce

Saturday, November 03, 2012 10:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. Elements of Logistics and Supply Chain Management




Source: http://mu.ac.in/tt/ttsh/117.pdf

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  1. The CAT test window ends on 6th Nov. 2012
    So there is a clash in dates. Any chances of the university exams being postponed, as it happened last year?

          1. Izz there any chances of potponed our T.Y.B.M.S exans ????? plzzzz reply as soon as possible.

  2. BMS Team please reply… only 15 days left for board exams, is there any chances for postpone? please if you can then postpone exams because there are students doing CA with BMS so please if you can…
    We are waiting for your reply….

  3. Bms team I would like to know if the exams are postponed. The law exams got postponed for CA but not BMS I really don’t understand that concept. Can you’ll please just say yes or no it would really give all students some direction.

  4. Yessss….! @ Mayur u r rite my bro there r many students they r doing C.A with B.M.S….! So There s a chances of postponed our Exams . Inshaallaah from my point of view it will definetly postponed…! Inshaallaah

  5. Now all BMS students, our timetable is not going to change because if it is like that then they have updated before 15 days of our board exams….
    Best of Luck…..:)

  6. I don’t understand this confusion can u please clear it out. There are many students waiting for this one reply. Why can’t it just be made clear whether they are getting postponed or not. In the past they have never clashed with CA exams. Please reply

  7. I am doing BAF andCA how am I supposed to give both exams on one day. I need to know why isn’t Mumbai university considering this, since they postponed the law exams for the ca students.

  8. I’m pretty sure they won’t postpone the exams,quite a few profs from different colleges are all saying the boards wont be pushed back. Plus we’re just 2 weeks away from the exams, if they say anything at all they’re still cutting it really close.

  9. Yes we should definitely write a letter.
    1. Instead of keeping us in the loop and hearing so many rumours they should either confirm that the dates aren’t going to change or give us the revised dates.
    2. If the law exams got postponed due to the ca clash, our exams should get postponed too since we have more people appearing for the same than the law students

    I don’t think it’s that hard for Mumbai university to just update us. They’re cutting it too close. Why can’t it just be more organised and systematic?
    Its our boards. Not some joke of an exam.
    Are we really asking for that much?

  10. I completely agree with Rohan there are more people giving CA exams from BMS BAF it is ridiculous how they can’t postpone our exams. Or else tell us they are not postponed for sure. They are treating the boards like a joke

  11. I Think Mumbai University will update his announcement in last moment bcoz if they update as early the students will not concentrate on their studies…..! If they announce early all the students wiil say ” Exam Postponed ho gaya hai yaar baad me padenge ”

  12. Why can’t the MU give a reply. We need to know what’s happening and why isn’t the Mumbai university taking into consideration bms people doing ca. This is unfair. We need answers.
    We would be really grateful if the bms team could give us some direction or opinion on what’s happening ongoing to happen.
    It is not fair for us students to be in this pickle just about a week from the boards. We need answers.

  13. Then I think the best way to go about this is to tell the newspaper to publish something as this is not done especially when are boards are one week later.
    This is absolutely disgusting.
    Mumbai university needs to learn something. Not to play with our future.
    Why does the law exam get postponed and not the bms exams. How does that even make sense.
    I’m absolutely furious with MU.
    And the bms team it’s been 2-3days since you’ll have posted a reply. I think you’ll should take a step and let us know, as this site is to help the bms students I presume, instead of leaving us nowhere.
    It’s high time you’ll took this seriously. It’s not a joke.
    How would you’ll feel giving 2 exams in the same day. And when we don’t even have a break after each paper. If the law students get this benefit then why not us. This is unfair.
    We should get preference over them. And plus they only have 3-4 papers while we have 6.

    1. Friends 4get It! I knw its like a disgrace tht in a country like ours students hv to beg 4 equal benefits n rights! Bt Its high tym nw! Jus accept the fact tht v r more competent n cn face ne challenge!!!! Jus give it ur best shot!!! Al the best!

  14. @BMS Team, Please try to postpone our exams otherwise there is Do or Die situation for us… we want much time for study and because of Navratri sounds very loud, we are not able to concentrate in studies… and there are BMS students doing CA, if we are not able to study then how can they manage their BMS and CA courses…… Please please Postpone TYBMS exams…. it will be very helpfull for us in studies…. Please ..

    Thank You.

  15. honestly there’s nothing that the bms team can do even if they tried,this matter rests purely with Mumbai university and bms.co.in only communicates their decisions. Just study coz theres next to no chance of it being pushed back.

  16. Think about the students doing CA how can Mumbai University ruin the career of students like this. Its a shame discriminating BMS students against law students. what’s worse is they do not give an answer and communicate the reason behind this.

    1. Has ne1 put up a formal petition on bms.co.in??? I guess thts the last thing v cn do nw! Rather thn discussing the prob like this it wld b better if all the issues are taken into account once n conveyed formally for a just verdict