TYBMS Sem 5 Syllabus of November 2015 Exam: Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility


Business Ethics is a Semester 5 subject of TYBMS (Mumbai University exam). Business ethics is also known as corporate ethics. Business ethics applies to all the aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations.

Here we present the detailed syllabus of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility:

Unit 1 – 15 lectures

Introduction to Business Ethics:

  1. Normative ethics, perspective ethics and applied ethics
  2. Ethics, morality and legality
  3. Concept of right and duty: Business- Western and Indian perspectives, definition and scope – relevance in social changes
  4. Ethical organism and corporate code of conduct.


Business ethics – Conceptual background:

  1. Conceptual approaches to business ethics
  2. Egoism vs Altruism
  3. Entrepreneur and Manager – Role and responsibilities
  4. Responsibilities towards stakeholders: an overview
  5. Profit-making: an objective with an ethical decision


Indian perspective of ethics:

  1. Purusharthas: Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha
  2. Concept of Dharma


Ethics : A Global Perspective:

  1. Ethics in Global marketing and advertising
  2. Ethical perspective in employment including in the international labour organization std.
  3. Ethics and IT: E-commerce, privacy codes.
  4. Environmental ethics: Indian and Western perspectives
  5. Ethics and cross-culture influences
  6. Ethical issues and functional aspects of business.


Unit 3 – 15 lectures

Corporate Governance:

  1. Corporate Governance – meaning, scope and reporting
  2. The Agency Theory – Principal – agent relationship
  3. Role of CEO, Board and Senior executives
  4. Right of investors and shareholders
  5. Financial regulations and their scope in CG
  6. Corporate governance from Cadbury committee to Narayan Murthy committee


Unit 4 – 15 lectures

Concept of CSR:

  1. Meaning and scope of CSR
  2. Relevance and significance of CSR in contemporary society
  3. Value approaches to CSR


CSR: within the organization:

  1. Labour relations
  2. Work atmosphere: healthy and productive
  3. Exploitation, atrocities and harassment
  4. Safely standards and environmental concerns
  5. Perquisites and incentives


CSR and Society:

  1. Role and responsibility of local community in business
  2. Interventions of business to fulfill social responsibilities
  3. Role of NGOs and international agencies in CSR – integrating CSR into business
  4. CSR measures and indicators: measuring CSR to improve shareholders value and societal value
  5. CSR and sustainable development
  6. CSR and Triple Bottom line in business: an international endeavour.


Reference Books of Business Ethics and CSR:

  1. An introduction to ethics – William Lillie
  2. Wisdom Leadership : dialogues and reflections – S.K. Chakraborty
  3. The power of ethical management – Kenneth Blanchard and Norman Vincent Peale
  4. In search of ethical leadership – R.M. Lala
  5. Management and HRD – Dr. R.R. Khan
  6. Key management ideas: Thinking that changed the management world – Stuart Rainer
  7. Leadership chronicles of a corporate sage: 5 keys to becoming a effective leader – Susan K. Bethanis
  8. Indian Management Emerging Responses – R.R. Prasad, S.R.P. Shukla, Ashok Kumar
  9. Discovering and Implementing the value of corporate social responsibility – Buried Treasure
  10. The Theory and Practice of Managerial Ethics – Jayashree Sadri, Sorab Sadri and Dhun Dastoor
  11. An introduction to Business ethics – Joseph Des Jardins

Business ethics

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