TYBMS Sem 5 Syllabus of November 2015 Exam: Elements of Logistics and Supply Chain Management


Elements of Logistics and Supply Chain Management is a Semester 5 subject of TYBMS (Mumbai University exam). Logistics management or Supply chain management means planning, implementing and controlling the efficient and efficient movement and storage of related information, goods and services from origin to destination.

Here we present the detailed syllabus of Elements of Logistics and Supply Chain Management:

Unit 1 – 15 lectures


  1. Logistics and Logistical Management-
  2. Military origin
  3. Basic concept
  4. Definitions
  5. Scope
  6. Importance in current competitive environment
  7. Evolution of logistics and supply chain management
  8. Topics to be covered at concept level-
  9. Operating objectives of logistics
  10. Logistical performance cycles
  11. Inbound logistics
  12. Manufacturing support logistics
  13. Outbound logistics
  14. Customer order cycle
  15. Lead time
  16. Logistical interfaces
  17. Logistical mission
  18. Competitive advantages
  19. 3 C’s
  20. Logistical competency
  21. Outsourcing logistical activities
  22. 3rd and 4th party logistics
  23. Integrated logistics
  24. Logistical planning and strategy.


Supply Chain Management:

  1. Basic concept
  2. Definitions
  3. Scope
  4. Comparison between logistics and SCM
  5. Global supply chain scenario and importance
  6. Conventional supply chains
  7. Supply chain participants
  8. Channel agencies
  9. Relationship management
  10. Concept of extended enterprises
  11. Bull-whip effect.


Organization structure:

  1. Basic concept
  2. Definitions
  3. Scope
  4. Objectives
  5. Importance
  6. Barriers in forming effective organization
  7. Improving effectiveness
  8. Stages in evolution of logistical organization with emphasis on modern flat organization


Customer Service:

  1. Definition
  2. Scope
  3. Objectives
  4. Importance
  5. Elements of customer service
  6. Seven rights
  7. Customer service audit
  8. Customer service strategy


Demand Forecasting:

  1. Definition
  2. Purpose of forecasting
  3. Nature of demands
  4. Forecasting components
  5. Approaches to forecasting
  6. Qualitative and quantitative forecasting techniques and their applicability
  7. Time series analysis with numerical examples


Order Processing:

  1. Integrated system
  2. Customer order cycle
  3. Electronic data interchange and its advantages


Unit 2 – 15 lectures


  1. Definition
  2. Principles
  3. Role
  4. Functions
  5. Importance
  6. Different modes of transportation – road, rail, water, air, pipelines, ropeways
  7. Advantages and disadvantages of individual modes
  8. Inter-modal transportation
  9. Factors to be considered for mode and carrier selection
  10. Modal characteristics and classification
  11. Total transportation cost
  12. Factors influencing transport cost
  13. Transport infrastructure



  1. Definition
  2. Principles
  3. Role
  4. Functions
  5. Importance
  6. Warehouses
  7. Distribution Centres
  8. Warehousing
  9. Need for warehousing
  10. Economic and service benefits
  11. Types of warehouses
  12. Advantages and disadvantages of warehouses
  13. Warehousing location
  14. Area of warehouse
  15. Number of warehouses
  16. Warehousing operations
  17. Factors affecting warehousing cost
  18. Warehouse layout
  19. Design principles


Materials Handling System:

  1. Definition
  2. Principles
  3. Role
  4. Functions
  5. Importance
  6. Activities covered
  7. Functions performed during materials handling
  8. Material handling equipment with selection criteria
  9. Material handling methods
  10. M.H. System design – objectives and principles



  1. Definition
  2. Principles
  3. Role
  4. Functions
  5. Importance
  6. Unitizing – concept of unit load
  7. Palletizing / Kitting
  8. Logistical functions of packaging
  9. Objectives and benefits of packaging
  10. Consumer and logistical packaging
  11. Factors influencing good package design


Unit 3 – 15 lectures

Inventory Management:

Inventory –

  1. Definition
  2. Principles
  3. Role
  4. Functions
  5. Importance
  6. Purpose of inventory holding
  7. Types of inventories
  8. Inventory and profitability
  9. Impact of inventory on total logistical cost

Inventory Management:

  1. Objectives
  2. Importance
  3. Symptoms of poor inventory management
  4. Improving effectiveness of inventory management
  5. Inventory turnover
  6. Service levels


  • Economic order quantity
  • Economic batch quantity
  • Assumptions and its limitations
  • Reorder level
  • Safety stock with numerical examples


Inventory Control:

  1. Inventory ranking methods and
  2. Quadrant technique


Selective techniques of inventory control:

  1. Inventory control methods – pull and push models
  2. Traditional methods – Q model and P model, 2 bin system, fair share allocation model, MRP I, MRP II
  3. Modern methods – kanban as a tool of JIT, Vendor managed inventory, JIT II, response based techniques – QR, CR and AR. DRP, ERP.
  4. Inventory valuation


Information system:

  1. Definition
  2. Principles
  3. Role
  4. Functions
  5. Importance


Management Information System:

  1. Elements of LIS
  2. Advantages of computerization of information
  3. Importance of information system
  4. Internal and external information system
  5. Functionality – IS operations
  6. Automated order processing system
  7. RFID
  8. EDI
  9. Satellite tracking system.


Unit 4 – 15 lectures

Performance Measurement:

  1. Definition
  2. Principles
  3. Role
  4. Functions
  5. Importance
  6. Objectives
  7. Activity based performance measurement
  8. Process based performance measurement
  9. Internal performance measurement
  10. External performance measurement
  11. Classification of performance measures
  12. Performance auditing
  13. Perfect order
  14. Service levels
  15. Characteristics of ideal performance evaluation system


Logistics Costing;

  1. Principles of logistics costing
  2. Activity based costing
  3. Mission based costing
  4. Total cost analysis
  5. Steps to be adopted for total cost approach


Logistical Network Analysis:

  1. Concepts
  2. Definitions
  3. Scope
  4. Objectives
  5. Importance network options
  6. Number of facilities
  7. Milk-runs
  8. RORO
  9. LASH.


Modern Logistics Infrastructure:

  1. Containerization
  2. Mechanized material handling equipment
  3. Deep water ports
  4. ICDs and CFS network
  5. Maritime logistics
  6. Cold chain logistics
  7. Dedicated freight corridors
  8. Golden quadrilateral
  9. Network of highways
  10. Specialized equipment
  11. Double stack containers
  12. Unit trains
  13. Logistics parks
  14. Container corporation of India
  15. Private Logistics Companies


The list of reference books of Logistics Management is as follows:

  1. Supply Chain Logistics Management – Donald J. Bowersox, David J Closs, M Bixby Cooper
  2. Logistical management – Donald J. Bowersox, David J Closs
  3. The management of Business Logistics Cycle – Douglas M. Lambert, James R. Stock and Lisa M. Ellram Irwin
  4. Logistics David J Bloomberg
  5. Logistics and S C – M Martin Christopher
  6. Supply Chain Management – Chopra Meindl, Kalra
  7. Supply chain Management – Herald Dychkhoff, Richard Lacks and Joachin Reese
  8. Logistics and Supply Chain Management – Text and Cases – Anurag Saxena, Caaushik Sircar

logistics management

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