TYBMS Sem 5 Syllabus of November 2015 Exam: Service Sector Management


Service Sector Management is a Semester 5 subject of TYBMS (Mumbai University exam). Service Sector, an important part of the Indian economy includes – retail, banks, hotels, education, real estate, health, social work, computer services, media, communication and so on.

Here we present the detailed syllabus of Service Sector Management:

Unit 1 – Introduction to Services Marketing – 15 lectures

  1. Role of services in modern economy
  2. Distinctive characteristics of services
  3. Marketing challenges of services
  4. Services marketing environment
  5. Goods vs Services marketing
  6. Goods – service continuum
  7. Consumer behavior
  8. Services marketing triangle


Unit 2 – Key Elements of Services Marketing – 15 lectures

  1. Product – Pricing Communication Mix
  2. Distribution – People – Physical evidence – Process
  3. Positioning – Market segmentation
  4. Balancing of demand and capacity
  5. Branding of services – problems and solutions


Unit 3 – Service Quality – 15 lectures

  1. Improving service quality and productivity
  2. Service quality – Gap Model
  3. Measuring and improving service quality
  4. Defining productivity – improving productivity
  5. Service recovery
  6. Complaint handling


Unit 4 – Service Management – 15 lectures

  1. Meaning
  2. Vision – mission strategy
  3. Service leadership
  4. Service mapping
  5. Flowcharting
  6. Benchmarking
  7. Internal marketing
  8. Productivity
  9. Current status and future prospects


Reference Books:

  1. Service Marketing – Valarie A. Zeithaml and Mary Jo Bitner
  2. Service Marketing – People, Technology, Strategy – Christopher Lovelock, Jochen Wirtz, Jayanta Chatterjee
  3. Service marketing Text and Cases – Harsh V. Verma
  4. Services Marketing – K. Ram Mohan Rao
  5. Services Management: The new paradigm in Hospitality – Jay A. Kandampully
  6. Service Sector Management – C. Bhattacharjee
  7. Services Marketing – Govind Apte
  8. Customer Driven Services Management – S. Balachandran


service sector management


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