TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2014-15 of Vivek College


Name – Vinod Gupta

College Name – Vivek College of Commerce

Course Name – BMS

Rank in TYBMS Sem 5 – 1st

GPA – 6.71

Percentage – 76%

Future plans – After completing TYBMS, I would like to do job and then after 2 years I would like to opt for MBA or higher education.

Message to students – No Vision without Revision

Tips to score more marks – One of the most important source to score good marks to make diagrams. It will help to fetch better marks than just normal scores.

Study strategy – Studying 1 month before the exam, attending lectures regularly, periodical practice of practical subjects.

Success mantra – Revising all the subjects on the same day when it is taught. Memorize whatever has been read and reproduce on paper whatever has been memorized.

Success credit goes to whosoever gave the opportunity for studying – all the professors who encouraged a lot for achieving the 1st rank in the college. Also the friends who helped and motivated to become the topper.

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