TYBMS Sem 6 2011 Results to be declared by July 15


The long- awaited wait for results of  Bachelor of Management Studies ( BMS) and other courses will soon end as the examination department of Mumbai University is likely to declare results by July 15.

Prof. Vilas Shinde, Controller of Examinations said, “We are trying our level best to declare the results as early as possible. We will be declaring results of BMM, BMS and other courses by July 15. There is no point in blaming the infrastructure for the delay. At present, there are eight machines installed to check the papers and hence it is taking time. University is in the procedure of installing a few more machines to speed up the procedure. Every new system takes its time to build a firm base in any institution. We are of the opinion that by next year results will be declared well in advance.”

– Sources : Free Press Journal

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  1. Prof. Vilas Shinde, Controller of Examinations said, “We are trying our level best to declare the results as early as possible. We will be declaring results of BMM, BMS and other courses by July 15.”
    plz read the above its written as “trying our level best”

  2. please tell the exact dates when results will be declared and at what time please tell fast . i am tired of waiting now.whoever comes to know please tell me.

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